I believe that it's the Holy Spirit typing this through me. I need to put this message across.
You are loved by God Almighty.
You may have been hurt by the other person in a boy-girl relationship.
You may have been betrayed by a friend you considered to be the most precious.
You may have been used by your peers.
You may be treated unfairly by your parents.
You may have failed terribly on your exams.
You may feel like giving up on yourself.
You may feel like the world's greatest sinner.
But despite showing your hurt, because you hate feeling vulnerable, you harden your heart.
You say, "Meh. Does it really matter?"
You take a deep sigh but refuse to release a teardrop.
You try your best to contain your feelings and think of better thoughts on your own.
You try to stay okay.
In the Bible, the Canaanite Woman called Jesus, "Son of David," but Jesus completely ignored her request. (Matthew 15:21-28) However, later when she called Jesus "Lord," Jesus commended her with great faith. Why? This is because she is NOT a Jew. Only Jews are reserved the title 'Son of David'. Previously, the Canaanite woman tried to fake her identity by being one of higher social status (Jew) and went to Jesus in her pluses. Only when she was in weakness, as a non-Jew at that point in time, then Jesus could love her.
Jesus doesn't want to love us in our pluses. When He does, we will always try to earn His love. No. Jesus wants to love us when we are in the pits, at the worst of ourselves to the point we give up and say, "CANNOT ALREADY LAH. JESUS, TAKE CONTROL!" That's the time Jesus will work.
But most importantly, Jesus wants to love us
especially when we fail, when we lost it. That is the true us - failures. But it is in the failures when God can pick us up. That's the time we need God's grace, His unearned, unmerited favor, the most!
Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Only when you feel vulnerable when God can be your strength.
Cry your heart out. God wants to be your comforter.
Scream your troubles. God is your counselor.
Stop trying to pretend it's all okay. It's not. Acknowledge that it is not, then throw the matter to God. Stop acting strong. Only in your weakness can God be your strength.
God loves you and accepts you because 2,000 years ago, He hated Jesus and forsook Jesus.
Jesus took your sin that you may become His righteousness.
Jesus took your sickness that you may be in health
Jesus took your failures that God can empower you to succeed.
Jesus became your weakness that you become His strength.
That's why you are loved by God Almighty.
God is working:
For you
In you
Through you
...if you let Him.
You are loved by God Almighty.
Now, live a live of joy, not in self, but in Christ.
-Joel Kindiak