Saturday, August 30, 2014

No, You're Not Mad With Me

But now Your grace for me is ever chasing me
No possibility of ever letting go
And You're not mad at me, no You're not mad at me
You're madly in love with me
You love me madly, madly, madly

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
Follow me all my days
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
Yeah, follow me all of the days of my life

Read more: Israel Houghton - Surely Goodness Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

24 August 2014

By faith, Noah built a ship in the middle of dry land. He was warned about something he couldn’t see, and acted on what he was told. The result? His family was saved. His act of faith drew a sharp line between the evil of the unbelieving world and the rightness of the believing world. As a result, Noah became intimate with God. [Hebrews 11:7]

23 August 2014

By an act of faith, Enoch skipped death completely. “They looked all over and couldn’t find him because God had taken him.” We know on the basis of reliable testimony that before he was taken “he pleased God.” It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him. [Hebrews 11:5-6]

Friday, August 22, 2014

22 August 2014

The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd. [Hebrews 11:1-2]

21 August 2014

“But the exact day and hour? No one knows that, not even heaven’s angels, not even the Son. Only the Father. So keep a sharp lookout, for you don’t know the timetable. It’s like a man who takes a trip, leaving home and putting his servants in charge, each assigned a task, and commanding the gatekeeper to stand watch. So, stay at your post, watching. You have no idea when the homeowner is returning, whether evening, midnight, cockcrow, or morning. You don’t want him showing up unannounced, with you asleep on the job. I say it to you, and I’m saying it to all: Stay at your post. Keep watch.” [Mark 13:32-37]

20 August 2014

“Take a lesson from the fig tree. From the moment you notice its buds form, the merest hint of green, you know summer’s just around the corner. And so it is with you. When you see all these things, you know he is at the door. Don’t take this lightly. I’m not just saying this for some future generation, but for this one, too—these things will happen. Sky and earth will wear out; my words won’t wear out. [Mark 13:28-31]

19 August 2014

“Following those hard times, Sun will fade out, moon cloud over, Stars fall out of the sky, cosmic powers tremble.

And then they’ll see the Son of Man enter in grand style, his Arrival filling the sky—no one will miss it! He’ll dispatch the angels; they will pull in the chosen from the four winds, from pole to pole. [Mark 13:24-27]

Sunday, August 17, 2014

18 August 2014

“These are going to be hard days—nothing like it from the time God made the world right up to the present. And there’ll be nothing like it again. If he let the days of trouble run their course, nobody would make it. But because of God’s chosen people, those he personally chose, he has already intervened. [Mark 13:19-20]

17 August 2014

When they bring you, betrayed, into court, don’t worry about what you’ll say. When the time comes, say what’s on your heart—the Holy Spirit will make his witness in and through you. [Mark 13:11]

16 August 2014

Sitting across from the offering box, he was observing how the crowd tossed money in for the collection. Many of the rich were making large contributions. One poor widow came up and put in two small coins—a measly two cents. Jesus called his disciples over and said, “The truth is that this poor widow gave more to the collection than all the others put together. All the others gave what they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all.” [Mark 12:41-44]

15 August 2014

Jesus was matter-of-fact: “Embrace this God-life. Really embrace it, and nothing will be too much for you. This mountain, for instance: Just say, ‘Go jump in the lake’—no shuffling or shilly-shallying—and it’s as good as done. That’s why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you’ll get God’s everything. And when you assume the posture of prayer, remember that it’s not all asking. If you have anything against someone, forgive —only then will your heavenly Father be inclined to also wipe your slate clean of sins.” [Mark 11:22-25]

13 August 2014

This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they’ve done to our relationship with God. [1 John 4:10]

Streets of London

by Ralph McTell

Have you seen the old man 
In the closed-down market 
Kicking up the paper, 
with his worn out shoes? 
In his eyes you see no pride 
Hand held loosely at his side
Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news 

So how can you tell me you're lonely, 
And say for you that the sun don't shine? 
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London 
I'll show you something to make you change your mind 

Have you seen the old girl 
Who walks the streets of London 
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags? 
She's no time for talking, 
She just keeps right on walking 
Carrying her home in two carrier bags. 

So how can you tell me you're lonely, 
And say for you that the sun don't shine? 
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London 
I'll show you something to make you change your mind 

In the all night cafe
At a quarter past eleven, 
Same old man is sitting there on his own 
Looking at the world 
Over the rim of his tea-cup, 
Each tea last an hour 
Then he wanders home alone 

So how can you tell me you're lonely, 
And say for you that the sun don't shine? 
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London 
I'll show you something to make you change your mind 

And have you seen the old man 
Outside the seaman's mission 
Memory fading with 
The medal ribbons that he wears. 
In our winter city, 
The rain cries a little pity 
For one more forgotten hero 
And a world that doesn't care 

So how can you tell me you're lonely, 
And say for you that the sun don't shine? 
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London 
I'll show you something to make you change your mind 

Monday, August 11, 2014

12 August 2014

The people brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: “Don’t push these children away. Don’t ever get between them and me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.” Then, gathering the children up in his arms, he laid his hands of blessing on them. [Mark 10:13-16]

Sunday, August 10, 2014

11 August 2014

“Everyone’s going through a refining fire sooner or later, but you’ll be well-preserved, protected from the eternal flames. Be preservatives yourselves. Preserve the peace.” [Mark 9:49-50]

10 August 2014

He asked the boy’s father, “How long has this been going on?” “Ever since he was a little boy. Many times it pitches him into fire or the river to do away with him. If you can do anything, do it. Have a heart and help us!” Jesus said, “If? There are no ‘ifs’ among believers. Anything can happen.” [Mark 9:21-23]

9 August 2014

Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper… [John 21:20]

In the Gospel of John, you will find John referring to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” several times. Why did he do that? Did Jesus love him more than the rest?

John was simply practicing and personalizing the love that Jesus had for him. As you keep reminding yourself that you are the disciple whom Jesus loves, you will grow in the consciousness of the Lord’s love for you. And the more you are conscious of His love for you, the more you will find your fears dissipating. Why? Because His perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18). And besides living fear-free, you will also begin to experience an increased measure of His free favors! -Joseph Prince

7 August 2014

Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path. [Psalm 119:105]

In a place where there is literally no light around you, His word will be a lamp to your feet. Now that isn't much light to know what's ahead, but enough to do what God wills at that point in time.

In darkness, follow God's word, be it Scripture or song or science, for He will guide you with His word, step by step, bit by bit.

6 August 2014

Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works Which You have done; And Your thoughts toward us Cannot be recounted to You in order; If I would declare and speak of them, They are more than can be numbered. [Psalm 40:5]

5 August 2014

Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us... [Exodus 33:15-16]

The presence of the Lord IS evidence that He shows favor on us. The Lord was with Joseph and Joseph prospered. Our prosperity is the presence of God. And this presence is clear evidence that God shows us undeserved, unmerited, unearned favor.

Live in His presence. Live in His grace.


I'm blessed.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Inspiring quotes (9/8/14)

Btw, happy Jubliee year, Singapore! May God do an extravagant work in our nation!

The cure for a lonely heart is to be alone with Jesus. -Joseph Prince

No other name like Jesus; no one can stand against us. Jesus, You hold the victory, death and sin defeated. -Audacious

Time and again, love never ends, finding freedom here; never letting go of You again. My saving grace; champion of my faith, finding freedom here; never letting go of You again. -Audacious

What if? -Joel Kindiak

We come to Jesus to obtain joy not as a ticket to Jesus, but that Jesus is the joy that we seek -adapted from John Piper

Baruch haba b'shem Adonai -author unknown

You don't need a person to tell you "I love you" to see that he/she does. -author unknown

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Random thoughts (8/8/14)

So full of Your favor, so full of Your love.

I'm blessed, exceedingly, abundantly more than enough, to be a blessing.

I don't like how my earphones keep messing around in my pocket.

After Sec Two, I was so elated that I wouldn't have to deal with my class anymore, only to realize that it's part of me running away from the problem of rejection.

I come alive; I'm alive when You speak to me.

After running around for a while, one would get tired and realize that only the Lord can restore him.

An unfortunate reality is that we are unlikely to ever meet people who have left us ever again.

At least I know the location. I have 3 weeks drop by one day before my shift.

I don't respond to desperation.

It's the last few hours of Singapore's 49th year.

Stop attributing things to Mother Nature and start resigning to the truth of Father God.

Treasure your family.

It is one thing to be loving and another to be overprotective.

I will not let the moodiness of others steal my joy, in Jesus' name!

Cherishing ev'ry moment with Riverlife.

Monday, August 4, 2014

27 Days

In 27 days, I'll be moving on from Riverlife Church. I'm gonna miss them a ton. All the memories will stay etched in my mind and possibly my heart too, how these children of God have blessed AND hurt me before. Hey, a good experience is not just one of joy but also one of grief, and in Riverlife Church I've received a fair share of both. Eventful, indeed.

Whilst I cannot detail every nitty-gritty detail of my amazing times, I can give the headers and the possible time periods which they reside in.

AH Cell, January 2010–December 2012
Camp Noise, December 2010
Batam Mission Trip, November–December 2011
Dance Ministry, December 2011–August 2013
Camp Activate, June 2012
Superlife Usher Ministry, September 2012–June 2014
Kingdom Call, June 2013
Superlife Musicals, December 2012 and 2013
Camp Kadash, 2014

And the most significant to me of all:
Weekly Sunday Chats, June 2012–August 2014

I would love to detail them...but I'm pretty zonked right about now. Perhaps another day when I have more energy will I cover them all. I still have 16 cheesy farewell letters to write, so I really have no idea when I might cover this (and considering PW is a daunting task for me, I might spend more time on it than here, unfortunately)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

4 August 2014

“So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.” [Numbers 6:27]

When the name of God, Yahweh, is upon Israel, they are blessed. Today, God has sealed you with His name, and You can expect His blessings of protection and provision for you to glorify His name.

3 August 2014

The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. [Numbers 6:26]

2 August 2014

The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; [Numbers 6:25]

1 August 2014

The LORD bless you and keep you; [Numbers 6:24]

31 July 2014

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. [2 Corinthians 9:8]

This good work refers to charity, in the context, or helping a brother out. In short, ministry. And our ministries include being good friends, being good children, being good parents, being good students and so one

God is ready to supply you whatever you seem to lack in whichever ministry you are in.

30 July 2014

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. [Psalm 139:16]

The Lord knows your going in and your going out. He knows us so well and when we say 'Yes' to His ways, acknowledging that He knows what's best for us much more than we will ever know, He will lead us in His ways for us, ultimately to prosper us (not without trials) and give us hope and a future.

29 July 2014

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. [Galatians 5:1]

Freedom is not the ability to do anything. It is the ability to say 'Yes' to good and say 'No' to evil. When Christ sets you free, you are free from sin and citizens of His righteousness.

What for go back to sin?

28 July 2014

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. [2 Corinthians 5:21]

At the cross, God treated Jesus, who knew no sin, as the world's greatest sinner, punishing Him on behalf of the world of the past, present and future. But that's not all!

Jesus became sin that we might become righteous, and God treats us, who are steeped in sin, as heaven's best, blessing us on behalf of His beloved Son of the past, present and future. 

27 July 2014

In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior. [Jeremiah 23:6]

Who is the Lord here? He is Jesus, our righteous Savior, in whom we are well-pleasing in God's eyes (Matt 3, 1 John 4:17), by whom we are righteous (2 Cor 5:21) and because of whom we love (1 John 4:19).

And where the Lord dwells, there is glory, peace and victory. Let the Lord dwell in every area of your life, that our lives may be fulfilling ones that are victorious. Let the Lord reign in our life, for He is righteous and He loves us. We owe it *all* to Him.

26 July 2014

"...I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." [Jeremiah 31:25]

As we look at the promises of God in the book of Jeremiah, we see that a God is always out to restore His people after judging them. Once their sin is punished and accounted for by some means of judgment, God always has plans to restore them to their better-than-original condition.

And today, we receive this prosperity; prosperity to prosper others and to bring forth the gospel, because, BECAUSE, Jesus Christ is our judgment of sin and our sins have been burnt up once and for all at the cross. This means that today, you and I can judicially and freely receive God's rest, that it's not about us; it's about Jesus.

25 July 2014

But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord, ‘because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.’ [Jeremiah 30:17]

Israel had been infamous for continually sinning against God over and over again, even after God repeatedly showed His great mercy over them. And in the end, the Lord still promised to heal them of their damages, physical for the individuals and social for the nation.

You may feel that you have let God down over and over and over again, and God won't show grace and mercy to you. Guess what? He still does, and now does it with an even greater, magnanimous measure, as He promises to heal you on the basis of Jesus' wounds. (Isaiah 53:5)

There is hope for the hopeless. His name is Jesus.

24 July 2014

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. [Colossians 2:6-7]

Your spiritual life grows because of Jesus' finished work allowing you to have fellowship with Daddy God. Don't try to earn your relationship, but out of the goodness of God, thank Him and love Him because He first loved you! It's not about us; it's all about Jesus!

23 July 2014

HELLO :) I couldn't resist quoting all these different versions of this verse. Because it reveals that Jesus doesn't just love us, He's madly in love, head over heels, absolutely crazy over us!

Song of Solomon 4:9
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
9 My bride, my very own,
    you have stolen my heart!
With one glance from your eyes
and the glow of your necklace,
    you have stolen my heart.

Song of Solomon 4:9
New Living Translation (NLT)
9 You have captured my heart,
    my treasure,[a] my bride.
You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes,
    with a single jewel of your necklace.

Song of Solomon 4:9
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
9 “You have made my heart beat faster, my sister, my bride;
You have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes,
With a single strand of your necklace.

Song of Solomon 4:9
Amplified Bible (AMP)
9 You have ravished my heart and given me courage, my sister, my [promised] bride; you have ravished my heart and given me courage with one look from your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.

Can you see it, all we have to do, is look at Him, for even a second, and His divine heart beats faster. The God of the cosmos, of the whole world! The Lord of everything, His heart beats faster with a single glance of our eyes!

-Jing Rong Ho

22 July 2014

And Hannah prayed and said: “My heart rejoices in the LORD; My horn (strength) is exalted in the LORD. I smile at my enemies, Because I rejoice in Your salvation. [1 Samuel 2:1]

What salvation is Hannah talking about? Is it salvation from hell to heaven? Of course not! Salvation in this context refers to God answering her prayer and RESTORING her!

My friend, Jesus died that you may be saved; that you may be restored! Whatever you lost in the past, be it time, money, relationships, family time, health and so on, rejoice, for the Lord is your restoration for all things lost!

21 July 2014

Now Hannah spoke in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. Therefore Eli thought she was drunk. [1 Samuel 1:13]

Notice how Hannah's prayer was so soft to the point Eli saw her as drunk, but the Lord listens to it and answers it nonetheless? On the other hand, we see Elijah commanding, "There shall be no rain for 3.5 years!"

It's not about how loud or how soft your prayer is. It's not about your sincerity (Hannah was sincere, but Elijah just spoke). It's about your God, the One who answers prayers. It's not about your prayer but about who you are praying to. 

And He loves you.

20 July 2014

And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. [Genesis 45:7]

In the story of Joseph, we see that God sent him ahead of the rest to bless them in famine. Jesus is our spiritual Joseph, and the Father sent Jesus ahead of us to provide us in famine.

My friend, during lack, weaknesses and sicknesses, Jesus was sent to bring you to completion, body, soul and spirit. Would you tell Him how much you need Him, and take from His abundant supply? Just ask.

19 July 2014

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. [Isaiah 55:2]

So often we spend a disproportionately large amount of our money on the things that are not of God. I'm not saying that everything bought should be about religion and God, but when large amount of time and money we spend on worldly things, we are not satisfied.

I'm saying that when the bulk of your time and money is spend on bread (food: physical and spiritual), you will be truly satisfied, and have much more money leftover.

So let your soul delight in abundance coming from the goodness of God!

18 July 2014

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. [2 Corinthians 5:21]

Many of us focus on part one, where Jesus became sin. But do you know of part two?

That in Him we may become the righteousness of God in Christ.

Start focusing as well on seeing yourself as the righteousness of God in Christ, my friend!

17 July 2014

Truth shall spring out of the earth, And righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yes, the LORD will give what is good; And our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before Him, And shall make His footsteps our pathway. [Psalm 85:11-13]

I proclaim these promises over your life this very day, in Jesus' name!

16 July 2014

Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, That glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed. [Psalm 85:9-10]

This sounds like a prophecy to me. A prophecy about Jesus. In fact the word 'salvation' in Hebrew is the root word for 'Yeshua', which is literally Jesus' name!

Glory dwells where Jesus dwells. At the cross, God's truth in punishing our sins kissed with His mercy in sparing us, by punishing Jesus for our sins, on our behalf, declaring us righteous not by merit but by His effort.

15 July 2014

I will hear what God the LORD will speak, For He will speak peace To His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly. [Psalm 85:8]

The wisest thing to do and the most beneficial is to hear Him. In Hebrew,
Shema, which means 'hear attentively'. Hear His peace and may His grace and may His ways empower you to go and sin no more. (John 8:11)

14 July 2014

Will You be angry with us forever? Will You prolong Your anger to all generations? Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your mercy, LORD, And grant us Your salvation. [Psalm 85:5-7]

The mercy of the Lord is that He turns His anger away from His people and revives them again, that they may rejoice Him. And through Jesus, we have such mercy! Rejoice, for the Lord is no longer angry at you!

13 July 2014

You have taken away all Your wrath; You have turned from the fierceness of Your anger. Restore us, O God of our salvation, And cause Your anger toward us to cease. [Psalm 85:3-4]

Before Christ, the Jews longed for God to turn His anger from them, after they have repented. But as God swore that never again will He destroy the earth with a flood (confirm plus chop), He also swore that He will never be angry with us not rebuke (condemn) us, Isaiah 54:9-10.

(Sidenote: God does discipline those whom He loves, Hebrews 12:6, but the Hebrew word for that in Isaiah is the word used in Zechariah 3:2 where it says, 'The Lord rebuke you, Satan!')

God is not angry at you today!