Monday, May 11, 2015

Overcoming Sickness (11 May 2015)

Overcoming Sickness

Sickness is not from God. Jesus on earth was constantly driving sicknesses out of individuals. However, that something is not caused by God, does not imply that it be used by God for the good of His people. These five months have not been the easiest on me due to the prolonged eczema that I have been battling with, along with the emotional and psychological battle that I face every day in response to it. However, God has proven faithful these few months and will continue to be faithful in His word at restoring my health.

These three revelations came to me while I was battling this chronic relapse:

Firstly, God wanted to heal me in the long run. He could have given me instant relief…but that would not break my 18–year habit of scratching even when it’s not itchy, meaning to say that my skin could never completely recover, along with complete overcoming of the need for oral steroids. Sure, it would heal on its own, but the damage that my scratching does to my skin has been extensive, and through this season of therapy and hellish cold turkey, God is training me to kick the habit of scratching. Once my body recovers fully, it has sustained health instead of my restless hands destroying it any further. Also, the Lord is using this sickness to train me in patience, in hopefully waiting for His promises to come to pass. The Lord is faithful in His word and when He declares that by His stripes, I am healed from even physical ailment, it is so. However, there are instantaneous healing and there are healing that occur over time. Through it, the Lord builds my patience, crucial to my character, further multiplying the hope that He has first given me. And after five days of torturous post–steroidal side effects, God has indeed taken me through.

Problems and trials…help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. (Romans 5:3b–5a)

Secondly, the Lord showed me the immense love and care that the Church has for me. For months, my Life Group and leaders have been praying for my complete restoration. Even when I returned to Riverlife Church, many people for me to receive my healing as soon as possible. One of my ex-churchmates even grieved over the sickness that caused my suffering. At school, believers from different churches, some more conservative and others more charismatic, continue to pray for my healing, that God would end my suffering as soon as possible and grant me mercy and relief from the chronic eczema. Friends whom I admittedly am not too close to also join in to pray for my health. Truly, I see the Church unite in crises for the glory of God. With regard to the Church, I am also pleasantly surprised that many believers have been encouraged by the faith that I display, for not throwing in the towel in trusting God and persevering in this fight of faith. It has spurred them on to trust God more with their life and challenges, drawing them closer to Him. It has increased Christ-centeredness and trust, two crucial elements of our faith. May the Church grow closer to God and follow His direction far closer than before.

…the effective prayer of the righteous avail much. (James 5:16b)

Thirdly, I see true love in action. Love that just goes on one–on–one dinners, involves romance between a couple and the happiest honeymoon of all time is not true love, but love that endures all suffering to be with another. My mother has been the greatest pillar of support throughout these five days, tirelessly cleaning after me hour after hour. When I literally could not move, she would be the one to clean me and moisturise my skin. She is my food supplier even when she was exhausted. In the middle of the night when the itches seize my body and the discomfort, my soul, she would awake from her incomplete slumber and help me. In the midst of the suffering, I asked God, “Save me or waste me” and gave up on myself. Well, God never gave up on me, neither did my mom, who prayed with me time and again to keep the faith and keep trusting in the Lord. In my ugliest and smelliest moments, my mom was by my side, persevering with through the five days of post–steroidal hell. My dad and brother also gathered frequently to partake of the Holy Communion as a family, inviting Jesus to take control over my sickness once again. Love is not superficial. True love goes all the way, beyond human imagination, where only God can fathom and what God provides us humans with—a tiny glimpse of His great love for us. If what I had been through physically was hell, how much greater the magnitude in Jesus’ suffering—for you and for me? True love truly perseveres, and such love only God supplies.

Love…always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:7d)

On 11 May 2015, Joel has successfully overcome the post–steroid cold turkey experience. While it is not something I would want to experience again, it certainly had taught me a lot. I have quite a bit to catch up in terms of schoolwork, but nothing is impossible. The first hurdle in my healing has been overcome; now it’s restoration of my long–term eczema. Post–cold turkey, I have better control over my scratching tendencies, better responsibility over my medication and closer relationships with God and my family. Not that it was from God, but that indeed God turned the bad into good. Maybe not in an instant, maybe we still had to walk through the darkest valley and maybe the future is worse than today, but in everything God is with us. And if God is for us, nothing can stand against us! (Romans 8:31)

And we know in all things that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

–Joel Kindiak, 05.11.15

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Joel Kindiak's Birthday Weekend 2015

Joel Kindiak’s Birthday Weekend 2015

On the 29 April 2015, Joel Kindiak officially turns 18. He is finally legal to participate in long-anticipated activity like alcohol consumption, 4D–betting and being effectively an adult. Yet, these do not seem to attract me much. Rather, I celebrated by 18th with a Birthday Jam.

To be fair, I did have a H3 Linear Algebra Final Exam to take first, of which I’m trusting God for the Distinction that would looks beautiful on my A Level report card. After the exam, I returned home to rest and prepare myself for Birthday Jam 2015.

I first met Alvin at Starbucks while Phyllis and Faith came about ten minutes later. We went to get food and went over to chill and makan for a while at my palace first, following by jamming to our songs. We sang “Our God” by Chris Tomlin and a medley of “Holy Spirit” by Bethel Music and “Your Presence is Heaven” by Israel and New Breed. The video for Our God, in fact, has been loaded up; here’s the link if you want to check it out:

We filmed at my place then braved rain and storm to the Southern Ridges, where we filmed even more there. It was humbling to see my friends sacrifice their comfort to bring me the best birthday I’ve ever had in 18 years. They exemplified God’s agape love, a self-sacrificial love, one that the world desperately needs.

Two days later, on Labour Day, I was recovering from a healing crisis (i.e. immune system crash) on Thursday, but had the honour of hosting my life group at home. It was an awesome moment to see everyone sharing vulnerably about how they are all going through tough times, similar in essence but varying widely in form. We are holding on to one another in this SALG (St. Andrew’s Life Group) and we will be there for one another. This is what family is for. And they rewarded me with a dau–sa–pao cake and cards and affirmations…boosting every joy I have had this 18th birthday so far.

On Saturday, I decided to pop by Megalife to see how things are doing. Catching up with Crystal and Tamara made me realise the wave of rigidity that Megalife was going through for the past few months, draining the life out of many members. Yet, today’s service was a strong reminder for Megalife to return to their roots, to repent to dependency on God instead of smarts, plans or self-effort. I had the honour of witnessing this ministerial repentance. And I had nice brief catch–up sessions, ones that I hope to prolong in the future, with Marcus, Samuel, Rachel, Ming Sheng, Vanessa, Yvonne and Justina. Alvin isn’t in the list cos’ we’ll be meeting once every two weeks anyway.

Over the weekend, I’ve seen and felt God’s love and favour for me, amidst my horrible sickness, in many ways. Firstly, I realise that the people of God still care for me, that they love me even though I am not physically present most of the time, and that truly I am welcome by God’s people everywhere I go. Secondly, I realise that God has used my life as a testimony of faith and hope, to keep the faith despite prolonged sickness, and making me realise that the people around me are indeed encouraged and affirmed to press on when they see me trusting God amidst persistent eczema, to continue trusting in God’s sovereignty and His hand amidst the trial and tribulation. Thirdly, I have learnt that my prayers have power. I am the righteous child of God bearing His overcoming power, and my words have power to release souls from distress. I hope that God will open my eyes to see more opportunities to pray for believers and non-believers alike that they may receive God’s power in their lives. 

All in all, this 18th birthday was a truly blessed one. From Wednesday’s Birthday Jam to an impromptu Birthday Weekend, I truly am greatly blessed, highly favoured and deeply loved by my Abba in heaven. A blessed 18th birthday and a blessed 19th year it shall be for Joel Kindiak!