Thursday, May 22, 2014


Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. [James 5:16]

(This devotional was written on 19 May 2014)

This verse does not refer to justification before God. That is done completely by the blood of Jesus. This verse talks about justification before man.

Yesterday was undoubtedly one of the most guilty days in a long time. (I'll talk about the worst tomorrow) in the morning, in order to maintain my religious holiness, I rebuked my classmate for his inappropriate actions, and in essence shut the door of the gospel in his face, as he spiked at me, "You going to be a douchebag for Jesus?"

Later on in the day, as I played with my toy later on (Nintendo DSi Camera), I also hurt the feelings one of my most treasured friends. I'm telling you how much immense guilt I feel as I type this mini devotional/sharing.

The only thing I could do is confess. Confess to the hurt parties that I'm wrong and my actions were not correct. They did not reflect the love of Christ, and by God's grace, God loves through me. By His grace, may I die to my flesh and live in the Spirit, that I may no longer hurt people, and may my actions reflect His love. Only then do I sense peace in my soul, after I have received their forgiveness. Pray that they may forgive me for my foolish, impulsive actions!

And by the grace of God, I'm vindicated. Completely vindicated.

Confess your faults to each other that you may be healed, physically and emotionally. Lift the burden of carrying the guilt by seeking the forgiveness of the ones you have hurt. That's my wisdom for you this morning.

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