Wednesday, June 25, 2014

#junehols2014 [25 June 2014] Teddy Bear

#junehols2014 [25 June 2014] Apologetics MasterClass

Looks like this week, for a last of the June holidays, is actually one hectic one.

In the morning, my parents took me to Toa Payoh. I really love them a lot. They do all that the cyan to get me convenience and hence shower love in this way. They rock to the max. My mom explained to me the workings of CPF and my dad, driving. Cool stuff, though I still feel too young to know this. Perhaps I am one childish lad, one might say?

After breakfast with Mom and Dad, I made my way over to Junction 8. On my way there, I had a nice morning chat, I guess one would put it, over the phone. Well, more of just hearing one out. But sometimes what people need isn’t consoling but just being there for them. That’s what I resolve to do to be a loving friend to the people around me. And hey, why not share Christ along the way? Actually, sharing Christ is the focus, but befriending is the medium.

Went over to Junction 8 at Bishan and met my CCA–mates for breakfast; while they eat, I attempt to complete the AQ question which I didn’t yesterday due to extreme fatigue. Meanwhile, some friends inquired of Economics concepts, and while explaining to them the big picture, I also get some insights myself. The opportunity cost of it, however, is that I did not get to finish my AQ there and then. After breakfast, we went paperwork shopping at Popular. I got myself a nifty little chess set while cuddling a cute teddy bear I saw at Popular. Once I move over to Clementi I’m definitely going to get that Teddy!

Instead of taking the traditional route of MRT home, I decided to take bus 58, which travels from Bishan through Pasir Ris. It was, you would say, an eye–opener for me as I saw more parts of Singapore that I have not otherwise. I’m getting to know my homeland a tad bit better now! Whilst journeying I listened to Darlene Zschech’s Revealing Jesus album, which is undoubtedly Christ–exalting, and I felt so joyful (on the verge of tears) every time I read a review on the album that agrees my sentiments that it exalts Jesus. Seriously, go get it. It is awesome.

At church, I finally completed my AQ! Yes, one burden down, more to go after Chinese tuition tonight. For now, it’s time for Apologetics MasterClass (hosted by Riverlife Church) with speakers from Ravi Zacharias Ministries, an international apologetics–focused ministry by none other than Ravi Zacharias (his team is giving us a visit today). The time of explanation was definitely insightful, and the introduction felt like a GP lesson, one that causes us to think deep into the very fundamental essence of our worldview. We answered questions, and I quickly adjourned home to wash up and prepare for tuition, while settling the details for my blog.

Done the tuition session and onto Project Logos. Not terribly engaging, but enough for the text to be expounded on. With that, I did the summaries and am about to embark on Chinese tuition homework. Here I go!

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