Monday, September 1, 2014

31 August 2014: Farewell Weekend – 3. Farewell Sunday

02.09.2014, 1019 hours: Currently it's Economics tutorial...but my teacher isn't really concerned with my computer on the desk or what I do with it, considering that I use it adequately relevantly for Economics tutorials. Anyways, I can safely say that I have "recovered" from the Farewell Weekend and am in the right state of mind to reflect on Farewell Sunday: the final piece of completion. Yes, I compel myself to complete portions of my I&R task for Project Work, but I'd rather finish the Farewell Weekend trilogy and give it a good closure before it drags on. I'll complete I&R later.

Sunday morning I'm in for my final Sunday slacking. Well, I did serve for a short while before getting distracted with my other friends in the place. I received a few gifts from some church leaders and a pretty and colourful, albeit succinct letter (I'll never do this in my letters; too little creativity). Really, I am grateful for everything I receive, big or small. I told them about Farewell Friday and how sweet my cell was in dedicating it to me, expressing my realised love for them. Our guitarists/percussionists/musicians returned from service, and naturally, jamming came to my mind. A newfound talent (percussionist), an experienced personnel (guitarist) and a multi–faceted crew member, coupled with a mere singer, flowed together to jam to some classics, like Mighty to Save, Nothing is Impossible, Happy Day, together with a classic medley of The Stand and Glory to God Forever. My final jamming session with these musicians on Sunday...I wouldn't have it any other way.

I was tasked to oversee a group of 11-year-old boys. You hear loud noises all around as well as a couple of disruptive kids, one of which flared up when physically hurt by an equal. I came out and saw all bags but no people. Something fishy was going on. I was led in a serious tone to the picnic tables and saw an entourage of youth and children shouting "Farewell, Joel".


This followed by a spectacular Farewell Joel by a mysterious Alvern Ariston. It montaged all my friends' farewell wishes to me. Some felt odd since they called me "a really great friend" even though I didn't talk to all...okay *maybe* just a little. Nonetheless I appreciate their care and concern for my departure. And it's lunch! Slacked a while more, some truth or dare sessions, a precious moment where one of us chose to vulnerable to our community, and a a soft goodbye. Received yet another letter on the way to my new hotel in the form of an email, and thank you to the author as well.

"Adios, Joel"


Best weekend of my life ever. And may there never be another need for a farewell.

Here are some of my favourite shots over the Farewell Weekend. Do take a gander to see if you are in the shot!

"Don't point to me; point to Him!"

Olivia teaching me how to be swag

Phyllis teaching me how to selfie professionally

 Yii Jie acting retarded

Ming Sheng: an inspirational leader-cub-joker 

Justina: a great friend; needs to improve in study–buddying though

Lady killa

Elder Freddy Boey's epic photobomb

Pastor Ern's not–as–epic–but–still–epic photobomb

Buff Cavan


Talls vs Tallers


Vanessa + Phyllis = Tallers

Justin + Darren = ...

These ladies make me feel good by being tall

Legit cute or just acting...hmm?

I was too busy watching the vid to photobomb...

I'm blessed to bless



My V with Charmaine didn't turn out as well as I thought...

I think we resemble...are we related!? :O Sidenote: nice T–shirt, Faith.

Thanks for clearing my debt, Josh. I can leave church w/o unfinished business.

Haha Pamela

Tamara: "Toking u wut?"

Candid can we adapt this for tumblr/Insta?

Yay slackers

Outside: smiling. Inside: zzz–ing.

"So let me share about my experience with romance..."


*Disclaimer: these captions do not necessarily reflect the true nature/context of the photo, so do take them lightheartedly and enjoy it just for laughs.

And for a photo finish, let's reach out for the skies:

P.S. Thank you all for all the years of joy, frustration and anything in between. I am truly grateful of them all. Have a blessed future, and continually, eagerly anticipate our Lord's return!

"Adios, Joel"


:Blessings, Joel Kindiak

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