Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Okay the title is a lot milder than the emotions I intend to convey in this post.

I love my LG. AH Cell, Shnameless and SALG, but have been let down by the latter one today. Danica was departing for UK today and I would love to have the honour of sending her off. No that's not happening, because my LG DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME ABOUT THIS.

DUDE. (Right now I'm scolding in my mind but choose not to express such displeasure here) A simple text/notification would allow me to travel to the Airport; I DON'T CARE THAT I LIVE IN THE WEST! Ya know...I was so tempted to leave the chat group on this basis, but choose not to make a rash decision as such. But come on people!

To be fair, not everyone went to the Airport. It seemed as though only the "committee people" did. Ah whatever man. It sucks to realise this but I guess just gotta grit my teeth and carry on, y'know. Suck it up and move on with life. It's not a right to be invited; it's a privilege.

To be fair, there's no right for me to be angry anyway. All I hope for now is to receive Danz when she returns from the North.

But still. Guys. Low blow man.

Emotion summary: 😡☹️😭😔

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