Friday, April 29, 2016

Birthday Jam 2k16

Birthday Jam was nice. ☺️ Used recycled photos since we didn't grab a picture yesterday.

Friday, April 22, 2016

No Regrets, No Turning Back

To everyone who actually reads this blog, let me say that today is a huge day. It's the day I'm getting baptised, and it's the first baptism I really knew what I was doing (was baptised once in K2, no clue what was going on). Today is the one day I declare that in following Jesus, I'll, by God's grace, have no regrets and won't turn back no matter what. God has been too good to me for the past 5 years since I got to really know Him. Thus, I chose Joel Kindiak, even though "Kindiak" in and of itself has no meaning, as my baptism name, as a representation of the overwhelming goodness and grace of God for me in my life and specifically the past 5 years of my life. These 5 years God has shown me what His grace really was like, contrary to the "balanced" teachings on grace many churches in Singapore preach. His grace compels me to obey, to follow. No regrets, no turning back.

Here are some highlights.

The main highlight, however, is the piece of green paper below.

This paper contains affirmations from most of the J1 SFC members. I expected 4 chunks instead of this almost 20. It stunned me when I heard the story; a few of them were writing, the others asked what for. They replied, "Joel's baptism," and soon after the others started to write as well. I was touched as I was admittedly not as close to them, though I made an effort to get to know them as well as possible and was close to SFC as a whole, and yet they still offered their affirmation of my choice. I was very much touched and know that all the more I can't take SFC or any of its J1 members for granted.

This was a blessed baptism, above all. No Regrets, No Turning Back.


Sunday, April 17, 2016


If we got nothing to post, just wait till we have something worthy then post! Chill mates 😌

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Throwback to 24/8/15

Last Monday my friends and I were chilling at the table during recess, and for some topic they were engaged in I didn't know about it. Thus I was treated invisible hoping to be noticed, until I finally gave up and was like "ah dammit la". Destiny chose me to be alone, lonely and forever alone. For the next few hours I questioned my self-worth, about how I would never get a companion. The Lord gave me a craving for froyo along with a hymn:

Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Realizing what I tried finding but failed in getting was all the while found in Jesus, my eyes welled up. Now I know I have a friend more faithful than any other, who knows exactly the crap that I go through. And this was my response in faith:

You're the joy no one can take away
You're the joy no one can take away
You're the peace inside I can't explain
You're the strength I need
You will always be my strength!

And the rest of the week fell not short of a blessing.

Thank You, Jesus.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Post-EWLC Thoughts

Well, EWLC2K16 has come to an end, and though it's sad, it's not that sad. I've been to my 3rd Life Con this year, and honestly I had the time of my life in each. Yet, 4 years in counting with walking with God and I'm bored of emotional highs. Tonight could spark faith in many, but definitely not sustain it. We need God for strength and power to live out our walk with God and the body of Christ is there for support instead of emotions that come and go like the wind.

I hope that as Christians we continue to spur one another unto love and good deeds, even though gentle rebuke might not be the nicest thing to hear. I hope also that we have more compassion, as Jesus first showed us compassion, to include one another in our affairs instead of sticking to our cliques 24/7. While we definitely will gravitate to those closer to us, I really hope we be intentional in every now and then grtting to know the other members of the body of Christ. We are one in Him, let's not change that.

All in all, I'm incredibly blessed and honored to have served alongside the SFC ministry for EWLC, despite having already graduated. I do not take yesterday for granted at all. Thank You Lord!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Daily Verse (6/4/16)

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” [Proverbs 17:17]

It struck me two nights ago as I was thinking about it that friends are a precious gift of God. I have ever been in a time where I had no friends, and today I'm stunned that people want me to be their friend.

Who am I, that you guys would be mindful of me? Who am I, that God would care for me?

If you know me well, the fact I have friends, much more close ones, is purely by the grace of God.

Let us treasure dearly the precious and invaluable gifts God has given us, including our friends.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

"Please Don't Take Them Away From Me"

I actually prayed that two nights ago, out of fear that I'll lose them (the last photo). I've lost friends before, I don't want to lose these.

Yesterday, during Life Con FD2, God gently rebuked me. He said, "Joel, I placed them in your life to point you to me."

God is good, and truly, whether He gives or takes away, it will always be good. Yet, I slowly realised the impact of this word–these friends will be friends for life.

Friends that exist for mere entertainment will never last, yet kingdom friendships will last a lifetime.

Friends that help one another grow closer to our Savior will last.

This is the mark of truly God-blessed friendships.

Thank You God.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Abort Mission

I'm alright with late replies when it doesn't have to do with plans or deadlines. Late replies cause me to cancel mission. Of course, I will gladly abort mission if needed, and no, I won't feel bitter like before, but I would be much more satisfied if I finish the mission that I started.