Friday, April 8, 2016

Post-EWLC Thoughts

Well, EWLC2K16 has come to an end, and though it's sad, it's not that sad. I've been to my 3rd Life Con this year, and honestly I had the time of my life in each. Yet, 4 years in counting with walking with God and I'm bored of emotional highs. Tonight could spark faith in many, but definitely not sustain it. We need God for strength and power to live out our walk with God and the body of Christ is there for support instead of emotions that come and go like the wind.

I hope that as Christians we continue to spur one another unto love and good deeds, even though gentle rebuke might not be the nicest thing to hear. I hope also that we have more compassion, as Jesus first showed us compassion, to include one another in our affairs instead of sticking to our cliques 24/7. While we definitely will gravitate to those closer to us, I really hope we be intentional in every now and then grtting to know the other members of the body of Christ. We are one in Him, let's not change that.

All in all, I'm incredibly blessed and honored to have served alongside the SFC ministry for EWLC, despite having already graduated. I do not take yesterday for granted at all. Thank You Lord!

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