Sunday, June 29, 2014

#junehols2014 [29 June 2014] The Golden Age

I reached the church in the morning, as always, but with a very different spirit. Now it wasn't a spirit of hanging out. It was a spirit of rejection, that my cellmate was preferred over I, and I was the one left out. Sometimes, it sucks to be in love with the Bible, simply because everyone else isn't, and I have no idea of how to fellowship without the Bible or anything Christian–related. The friends who were interested in the Bible, either they didn't show up, or they prefer less elderly activity and enjoy more cool, modern, hipster activities due to the influence of other cool people, of which I am obviously not a part of.

As such, I decided to isolate myself and have a nice read of the Scriptures. I needed solace and comfort for my restless soul. The Lord revealed that I was getting emotionally attached on man again, the same recurring mistake that have haunted me over and over again. It haunted me through Primary and Secondary School and still does today. Lord, today, I rest in You! Only You can love me completely. The ones I rested upon cannot support me; they are too young, they have not seen the world, and they certainly cannot be burdened by me. But Lord, I cast my burdens unto You!

Upon that time of restfulness, I retuned to the Grace Canopy, where we discussed about seeing Jesus in the tribe of Judah. Following that, God gave me a chance to be a small group teacher for the day as I engaged 9-year-old boys in discussion. They are one easily distracted, lively bunch, to which I know exactly how to deal with them: sarcasm. They ask me if they can go toilet? No; pee in your pants! They ask me if I got a girlfriend? Many. In fact all the ladies out there are incredibly attracted to me. Sarcasm: they key to getting their attention or causing them to lose hopes on irritating me.

We then returned to the Grace canopy, where we jammed to Wake, as well as played 4-chord songs with out guitarist just repeating the chords and yours truly singing to songs that follow the same chord progression. Contemporary music is not *that* difficult to play, you know.

Following that, we had a distracted/unproductive Bible Study of Zebulun, to which we tried to interpret using the skills the Lord has taught us, to no avail. We were stuck at Zebulun and could not progress on to the other sons. Pastor Tony then taught me the academic way of studying the Bible, which honestly was not what I needed at that point in time. Due to our lack in preparation, we are going to choose to go Rhema, until we meet for discussion again next week.

Next week, I won't sulk no longer; I came to indulge in God's Word with God's people, not to just chat with people, even believers. Yes, I did that before, and boy was it fun, but we talked a lot of Bible. And now since we have more people returning (not new people) who are not as crazy over the Bible as I, I wouldn't be surprised that the spiritual atmosphere undoubtedly is diminishing. That said, I want to keep up the fire, and by His grace I'll keep going. My friends who used to be crazy over the bible as well may not be as much now, but I want to keep the flame burning. I love the Word of God. I love the Logos.

In short, it's the end of my Golden Age in Superlife. Yes, I used to be a prominent figure, and thank God, for He used me well in that position, but my Golden Age is over. I'm moving forward to greater glory! With that, we have come to the end of #junehols2014!

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