Monday, June 9, 2014

#junehols2014 [7 June 2014] Cousins' Wedding

Woke up early yesterday to witness the marriage of my 7-year-dating cousin and his wife. It's definitely one blessed wedding, as they were clearly meant to be. Both of them loves God so very much and I believe that they will edify each other through life. I can't wait to see their kids! That said, I did not care much for the service, other than the priest exhorting them to meditate on the verse they've chosen, Ephesians 4:2–6, with every anniversary.

I rushed over to Pasir Ris from Dover for tuition, taking approximately 1.5 hours to reach Benjamin's place. There, I taught him integration by substitution and integration by parts in a hopefully simple-to-understand manner, and it was a relief when he told be that. I feel encouraged teaching Benjamin as Benjamin is a bright student. Heck, he's my ex-classmate, so, why not. It's just that I've had a headstart in Math, so I guess I can teach him...?

After tuition it was church. Since I came in my semi-formal attire, my friends all stared at me in 50-50 shock. Like everyone. And they grinned and I just gave the swag look, if I didn't already look swaggy enough. ðŸ˜Ž

Went home, took a bath and had some time of stillness and reading the Word of God. Always a joy and always a delight, and thankfully, the Lord allowed me to have a peaceful early night's rest.

Typing this on Sunday morning, I can safely say that this is one of the most peaceful days in my emotions ever. Thank God! My conversation with my friend ended on a positive note, and there may not be much conversation, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, considering that friendships are not built by texting but by face-to-face interaction. Thank God for a peaceful day. ðŸ˜Œ✌


  1. I'll wait for the one. I've nothing to worry. If God brought my cousin to marriage at 29 after 7 years of dating and assurance that they are meant to be, with lots of quarrelling and making up in the process, I'm sure God will bring me to a blissful marriage and life with my partner together and forevermore.
  2. It's encouraging when your student understands your explanations. All glory to God!
  3. Time alone with God is lovely. Just lovely.
  4. Peace rocks.

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